Saturday, November 22, 2014

Me joining My college's gaming club

Recently I join the gaming club on my college campus. On Thursday this week we set up characters for a d&d night my character i believe is a wood elf that is a druid/ranger cross with the ability to summon animals and i have a pet dog. tonight we had a game night where we played a new game to me called talisman. I have also  recently purchased several other games such as seasons, Gloom and accession. as i learn more we will see what all games i will get to experience and some information about them.

Friday, March 7, 2014


this is a card game that i learned down at chruch camp and i found if very fun and exciting seeing how the situations are avioded and who is what position or job. this game also has several differnt orientations and ways to play and expansions


Crazy Creatues of Dr. Doom

i found this card game while i was searching for a picture to use for my gloom post and it looks cool and i love the art that they have for each set of creatures

i found information for this card game on


this is the horific card game that you want to make your family have the worst time possible and your oppents family to be happy i saw this on Geek&Sundry and it looks like alot of fun and i love the stories that you can create




Elder Sign

this is another game that I watched on Geeks&sundry and it looks fun and the art is awsome i like that it is a dice and mystery game that you want to be the clock of the demise of the the world

this is the link for the Geeksand Sundry page and youtube page

this is thelink to elder sign


this is another tabletop game I saw on Geeks&Sundry it looks fun and I like that it is chinese themed it is anothher tile placement with a catan like feel basing off of a centeral point where you add tiles to produce bamboo

this is the link to Geek&Sundry
there you tube page

this is thelink to a site that had the most info
this is the amazon link

Tsuro and Tsuro of the sea

this is another game that I watched on Geek&sundry that looked fun
this is a tile placement that if you collid with another dragon or go off the board you lose
this is what the dragons look like

Now there is a new version out that instead of being dragons and you are ships that are trying to aviod the dragons

here is the link to the geek&sundry page 
and there youtube

this is the link to the page that I feel has the most information on the orgional

this is the link to the tsuro of the sea

settlers of catan

this is a table top game that I watched a video on and hear about when I go to camp. I have not got the chance to play this game yet but I have watched the Geek&Sundry and learned how to play. This game has a cool idea of operating a land to produce to resources and trade those resources for roads, town or cards. this game also has several expansions which can create a nice game that can change the game to make it fun instead of playing the same game over and over again,
Here is the link to the homepage

Here is the link to the Geek&Sundry youtube page
           they have several videos about this game on there series called tabletop
there main page